Acelere a floração no cultivo de cannabis

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Are you looking at your marijuana plants and wondering how to make them flower faster? Here’s a fact: controlling the hours of light per day can significantly accelerate this process.

In this article, we will guide you through proven methods and effective tricks to shorten the waiting time and maximize your harvests, step by step! And now, let the magic of flowering begin.

Key conclusions

  • Choose fast-flowering strains or autoflowering plants to make your marijuana flower faster.
  • Use fewer hours of light per day and control darkness to mimic autumn and thus accelerate flowering.
  • Feed your plants the right nutrients at each stage of their growth to support efficient flowering.

Plant selection

A thriving garden of succulents in a sunny room.

Starting with the right choice of your plant is, let’s say, the seed of wisdom to accelerate flowering; think of it as choosing your dance partner.. The one with the best moves to get to the final stage! Now, let’s see how this choice can make all the difference in our little grow..

Choosing a fast-flowering photoperiod strain

If you want your marijuana plants to flower fast, look for photoperiod strains with short flowering times. These are special because after sprouting, they don’t take long to start giving flowers.

It’s like a turbo for the vegetative phase! And of course, the sooner they flower, the sooner you can enjoy their fruits.

Expert growers often choose these fast strains to save time. With them, you can see how the plants go from small to full of flowers in less time than you imagine.

So, not only do you save weeks, but you can have more harvests per year. This is great if you’re eager to see results soon or if you want more THC in less time.

Opting for autoflowers

Autoflowering plants are a wonder for those who want to simplify the process. Yes! These varieties start flowering on their own, without you having to change the light hours.

They’re perfect if you don’t want to complicate yourself with light cycles.

You might think that fewer hours of sun will be a problem, but not for autoflowers. Even with only 4 hours of sun, these champions initiate their flowering phase. Forget about adjusting timers or worrying about photoperiod.

With them, you’ll get buds faster and with less effort.

How to shorten the total cultivation time

Eager to see your precious marijuana plants bloom? Don’t worry, I have some tricks up my sleeve to make those beauties show their flowers faster than you can say “wow what a bud!” Come with me and discover how to make your grow go from zero to flowering in the blink of an eye..

without losing a hint of quality!

Fewer hours of light per day

Fewer hours of light per day can make marijuana plants flower faster. This change mimics the natural cycle when approaching autumn, when days are shorter.

  • Switch to a photoperiod of 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. This signals to the plant that it’s time to start the flowering phase.
  • Make sure the change is constant every day. Regularity is key to not confuse your plants.
  • Use timers to control the lights. That way you can relax knowing the lights turn on and off without your help.
  • Avoid any kind of light during the 12 dark hours. Even a small amount can disrupt the cycle and delay flowering.
  • Watch how your plants respond. Some may need a few days to adjust to the new schedule.

Forcing cannabis flowering outdoors

Flowering your marijuana outdoors can be faster. Here are some steps to achieve this:

  • Cover your plants when the sun sets. That way they’ll be in darkness for more hours.
  • Use a tarp or cloth to cover them. Do this easily every afternoon and remove it in the morning.
  • With this, you trick them into thinking the days are shorter.
  • Your little plants will start flowering soon because they think autumn has arrived.
  • Make sure to keep them nicely dark for 12 hours straight every day.
  • If you live where it gets very cold or hot, this technique helps avoid problems with the weather.
  • The good thing is that you shorten the cultivation time and can enjoy your flowers earlier.
  • Pollinating your plants a little later will also give you a quick harvest.

Indoor cultivation

Growing marijuana indoors has advantages. You can better control the environment and light.

  • Choose a suitable room or grow tent to start. Make sure it’s a space where you can manage temperature and humidity.
  • Install special lights. Plants need specific types of light to grow and flower well.
  • Adjust the light hours. For plants to flower, you need to give them 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness each day.
  • Control the room temperature. It should be warm but not hot, with a good balance between heat during the day and cool at night.
  • Maintain proper humidity. Not too dry or too humid is best for your plants.
  • Use fans to move the air. This helps the plants be strong and prevents problems like mold.
  • Give your plants the right nutrients. Each stage, from vegetative to flowering, needs different foods.
  • Check your plants every day. That way you can see if they have problems or if they’re ready to move to the next step.

Use of clones

Using clones can make your marijuana grow flower faster. Moreover, if they come from a good dispensary, they can improve the quality and yield of your plants.

  • Get clones from a strong and healthy mother plant. This gives your little plants a great start.
  • Put the clones in a small space like a greenhouse or your grow area. That way they’ll be protected and can grow well.
  • Clones have already gone through the vegetative stage that seeds have. This saves time.
  • If you take good care of your clones, they’ll have fewer problems and grow fast.
  • Make sure your clones get plenty of light but not too direct.Light helps but very strong sun can burn them.
  • Give the clones the right nutrients to see flowers fast. Each phase needs different foods.

Hydroponic cultivation

Moving from clones to another method, let’s talk about hydroponic cultivation. This special technique can make your marijuana plants flower faster.

  • In hydroponics, the roots are submerged in water with nutrients.
  • There is no soil in this method, only inert solutions or substrates like coco or sand.
  • Plants can grow more and better because they take food directly from the water.
  • Everything is under your control: light, water, and food for the plant.
  • Changing nutrients according to the vegetative or flowering phase helps a lot.
  • This system could increase the THC levels in your buds.
  • Also, you can force flowering by changing the nutrient solution.
  • Your flowers can taste and smell better since there’s no soil affecting their flavor.

Correct use of nutrients

To get those coveted little flowers as soon as possible, you can’t neglect the food of your green friends. Think about it — just like us in a marathon, without the right fuel, how are they going to give the final sprint? Being aware of what and when to serve on the nutritional plate is key to accelerating flowering; it’s like putting a turbo on your plant, but natural and without weird chemicals!

More light during the vegetative phase

Marijuana plants need bright light to grow strong and healthy in the vegetative stage. If you give them more light, they’ll prepare better for the flowering phase. Think of light as a special food that helps your plants grow a lot.

The light cycle of 20 hours on and 4 hours off is like a superfood for them at this time.

Give them this “light food” and you’ll see how they get ready faster to make flowers. This means that when it’s time to switch to the flowering phase, your little plants will be prepared and you can possibly see how the buds grow faster.

More light now equals flowers sooner!

Proper feeding at each growth stage

Marijuana plants need different foods at each step of their life. It’s like humans, who eat differently as babies, children, and adults.

  • In the vegetative stage:
  • Using more nitrogen helps plants grow strong and fast.
  • Giving them specific nutrients for this phase makes the branches bigger.
  • When starting flowering:
  • Switch to food with more phosphorus for flowers to come out well.
  • Don’t forget potassium, as it’s also important for healthy flowers.
  • Throughout flowering:
  • Continue with phosphorus and potassium, but reduce nitrogen little by little.
  • Maintain a balance; don’t give them too much food or the plants can get sick.
  • Before harvesting:
  • Clean the plants of chemicals by giving them only water the last few weeks.
  • This ensures the THC is high quality and without strange tastes.

Proper storage of cannabis seeds for efficient flowering

For your cannabis seeds to be ready to give pretty flowers, you need to store them well. Think of a place like the fridge: cool, without light, and without moisture. Use jars that close very tightly so that no air or water gets in.

This is key: if your seeds spoil, forget about a good harvest.

And of course, keep them away from heat. Don’t leave them near the oven or on a balcony where the sun hits. If you take care of your seeds like this, when it’s time to plant them, they’ll grow strong and with a lot of desire to flower!

Accelerate and improve the cannabis flowering stage

Let’s talk about one of the most exciting parts of growing.. flowering! If you’re wondering how to get your marijuana plants to get their act together and flower faster, I have some tricks up my sleeve that are going to change the game (and your harvest).

Darkening the cannabis

Darkening the cannabis is key for faster flowering. However, the process must be done carefully.

  • Your plant needs total darkness: During the flowering phase, marijuana plants need about 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness. This tells them it’s time to start flowering.
  • Create a schedule and stick to it: Keep a strict schedule for the lights. If you change the times, you could confuse your plants.
  • Use timers: They put the lights and darkness on autopilot. That way you don’t have to remember to do it yourself every day.
  • Turn everything off in the grow room: It’s not just the main lights; any little light can interfere with the darkness process. More darkness can mean higher THC levels.
  • Make sure there are no light leaks: Check your space to ensure it’s well sealed. Even a little light can affect the final quality.

Forcing flowering

After talking about how to darken cannabis, let’s dive into another important method: forcing flowering. This technique is great for when you want to speed things up a bit. Here’s how to do it:

  • Put your plants in a dark room for 12 hours every night. This makes the plants think the days are shorter.
  • The next day, take them out to the sun or turn on the lights if you’re indoors. They need another 12 hours of light.
  • Repeat this process every day. The plants will start to flower faster because they think winter is coming.
  • Keep your little plants warm and cozy while they’re out of the light. They don’t like the cold.
  • Use timers on clocks so you don’t fail any day. Consistency is key to forcing flowering correctly.
  • If you see your plants are happy and starting to flower, you’re doing everything right! Pat yourself on the back, gardening friend.

Pollinating the flowers

Pollinating the flowers in your marijuana grow is super important. It helps you get plants with more trichomes and big buds.

  • Choose the right time to pollinate, which is usually when the white hairs on the flowers are ready to receive the pollen.
  • Use a small brush or cotton swab to move the pollen from one flower to another very carefully.
  • Do it on a day without much wind, so you make sure the pollen doesn’t blow away.
  • Don’t overdo the amount of pollen, a little goes a long way to work its magic.
  • After applying the pollen, let the plants be calm so they can do their job.
  • Keep the ideal conditions in your garden so that pollination is effective and your plants grow strong.
  • Watch how your plants are doing after pollination, you’ll be able to see how they start to form more trichomes and buds.


Ready to see your plants flower faster than ever! Remember to choose the right strain and play with the light hours. Give your plants the food they need and try tricks like darkening them or forcing flowering.

And of course, pollinating on time can be your ace up the sleeve. With these tips, get ready for super fast flowering and good luck in your grow!

For more information on how to preserve your cannabis seeds to optimize the flowering process, visit our article how to properly store marijuana seeds.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What can I do to make my marijuana plants enter the flowering phase faster?

Ah, great question! To accelerate entry into the flowering phase, you can adjust the photoperiod —that is, the hours of light your plants receive— especially if you’re working with photoperiod dependent strains. Fewer hours of light tell them: “It’s time to flower!”

2. Does the vegetative state influence how fast marijuana flowers?

Well yes, a lot! If your little plants have had a good vegetative state, strong and healthy, they have more chance of flowering faster when the time comes. It’s like giving them a little push to say: “Let’s go with those flowers!”

3. How do I know my plants are ready to switch to the flowering period?

Keep an eye here! You’ll know your girls are ready for the big flowering show when they have a decent size and show mature signs (like pre-flowers). It’s the moment when you tell them: “It’s time, let’s shine!”

4. Does anything else besides photoperiod affect flowering speed?

Of course; keeping an eye on THC levels is also key. Some growers say that certain tricks, like adjusting nutrients or temperature, can get your plants to hustle and boost those levels for faster flowering. Give it a try!